This Cuttlefish model includes an Unreal 4 package with a Spline Animation System, Dynamic Camouflage system, 3D Studio Max Animation files, and 3DS Max Octane Materials.
To try the demo application, please download here:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bQzmafUhFB1-Ld5T2PKnUV31BZmK33QX/view?usp=sharing
-----Unreal Engine 4-----
The Cuttlefish blueprint animation system allows you to easily animate your cuttlefish and change camouflage depending on the physical material of the mesh below the cuttlefish.
Set numerous variables, such as the start position along the spline, custom materials, surface detection distance for camouflage, camouflage changing speed, and the swimming animation speed.
The package also includes a Vertex Animation blueprint identical to the standard one - allowing for improved performance at the cost of graphical quality and an increased filesize. Choose which one suits your project better and run with it!
The package contains 1 Skeletal mesh with a realistic Physics Asset for ragdoll effects, 2 Parent Materials set up with 4 Material Instances (1 for the standard mesh, and 3 for each LOD of the Vertex Animated Mesh).
Each camouflage type is kept in only one material, as they lerp the values when changing camouflage.
Additionally, a demo scene has been included with Underwater PostProcess Settings, Caustic Lighting, Fog, & Depth of Field, along with two Cuttlefish with their paths set up, demonstrating the differences between the Animation Mesh and the Vertex-Animated Mesh.
-----3D Details (includes 3DS Max and other formats) -----
This package includes 3D Studio Max Files for scanline renderer and Octane. It includes FBX, OBJ Max and 3DS filetypes.
It includes 3 LOD Levels, 1 Animation, and 2 UV Channels for light baking.
Triangle Count:
LOD0 = 5810
LOD1= 3586
LOD2= 490
Rock Camouflage Normal Map: 2048x2048
Diffuse: 2048x2048
Displacement: 512x512
Displacement Mask: 256x256