Suchomimus Tenerensis
All previews were made in C4D Arnold Render. Other files/renders has a similar result and they are already set on each file.
This model has been modeled with a clean topology based on quads and loops.
Animations:-Idle Loop-Walking Loop-Back Walk Loop-Running Loop-Roar Loop
These Animations also have FBX versions already correctly exported, with correct triangulation good for Games!
All High Resolution Textures
There are 2 setups of UVs that you can choose which one to use by any moment:
1- Single UV (Good for Games, or Renders of Mid-Range distance) - This one uses 1 UV with 8K Textures maps.2- UDIM Setup (Good for Closeup Render) - This one uses multiple UVs (11), so you can get very close to the model and still have details. Here you have 2 UVs with 8K Textures, and 9 UVs with 4K textures.
To change from one setup to another is very easy, it's just by selecting which one of the objects you want to render. They are named properly: Body(singleUV) and Body(UDIM)
Fully Bone Rigged! No vertex MorphTargets are being used. Muscles animations is actually Joint-based Movement, so when exporting everything will be included without problems!
Very easy to animate
The Model is Subdividable
Metric unit used: Centimeters
This pack includes all the following formats:
.c4d (R19/Standard).c4d (R19/Arnold 2.2.0).fbx (5 FBX Files, with the 5 Animations)