.Real dinosaurs Series.
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.Walking, run, speed run, backward, hide, idle, siting, stand up, sleep, roar, attack, death, Drinking Water, Eating, sniffing, attack while standing, roar ,leg broken, death, die, get hit, sitting, Wakeup, swim animations
. Textures Type Unreal Engine
.19 items Format:
. Base Color
. Normal Map
. Textures PNG Resolution: 8192x8192 - 4096x4096 - 2048x2048
. Real Size 9 meter(CM)
.PBR Unity 24 items Format: PNG
.Resolution: 8192x8192 - 4096x4096 - 2048x2048
. Install universal Rp for graphic editor. You need to create a Post Process. In the tutorial video (https://youtu.be/m6YqTrwjpP0?t=188) for the post process, apply the minutes of 3:08 - 5:12 exactly. The stage will be ready.
. Textures PNG Resolution: 8192x8192 - 4096x4096 - 2048x2048
. ** - Formats : **
. uasset - Unreal Engine 5.0
. uasset - Unreal Engine 4.26
. unitypackage - UNITY 2020.3 +