DISCLAIMER ONLY INCLUDES DRAGON FROM VIDEO NOT OTHER ASSETS.A detailed and life-like model of a dragon, retopologized, rigged, with realistic animations and textures.
Animations These are included as a single timeline stored end to end. Some are parcial animations and some keys in specific positions used for animation blendeingFlap, - Glide, -Breath fire (head only), -Bite (head only), -Different looknig position keys for animation blending head position. -walk forward, -walk backward, -standing idle, -run, -dive key, -climb / crawl, -fast flap, -big slow flap, -dive key, -prepare to grab key, -holding pray in air, -holding pray on ground key, -eat / mawl body, -crash / flip, -die,.
Textures: Resolutions: 2048 x 2048 - 4096 x 4096 Green dragon defuse, -Red dragon defuse, -Sub surface mask (for wing translucency), -Specular map, -Normal map, -Hight map,
Ambient occlusion map,