Bluey Velociwaptor Toy

Bluey Velociwaptor Toy Low-poly 3D model



The available file formats are .stl, .obj, and .mtlThis toy model is featured in the episode **Ice Cream** of the series Bluey (Episode 47 of the second season). In this episode, we can see Muffin Cupcake Heeler grabbing this dinosaur from a toy box, which later bites her due to its mechanism.A few moments later in the episode, we hear Muffin calling this dinosaur a _velociwaptor_.As an amateur modeler, the toy model does not have an internal mechanism, meaning its parts are not movable, but i am working on adding that functionality. If there are any errors in the colors of the model, here are the values for you to manually insert them:


Los formatos de archivos disponibles son: .stl / .obj / .mtl_Este modelo es un juguete que aparece en el episodio "_Probando heladosde la serie **Bluey** (_Episodio 47 de la segunda temporada_). En el cual podemos ver a **Muffin Cupcake Heeler** tomar a este dinosaurio de una caja de juguetes, el cual posteriormente la muerde debido a su mecanismo.Momentos después en el episodio, podemos escuchar a Muffin llamar a este dinosaurio unvelociwaptor"..Quiero recordar que al yo ser un modelador amateur, el modelo como tal no tiene mecanismo interno, o sea que sus partes no son movibles, pero estoy trabajando para ello.Si los colores del modelo llegan a tener un error, yo les dejo a continuación los valores para que pueden insertarlos manualmente.

White / Blanco

RGB: R: 204, G: 204, B: 204

Hexadecimal (Hex): #CCCCCC

CMYK: C: 0, M: 0, Y: 0, K: 20

HSL: H: 0°, S: 0%, L: 80%

HSV: H: 0°, S: 0%, V: 80%


RGB: R: 204, G: 190, B: 108

Hexadecimal (Hex): #CCBE6C

CMYK: C: 0%, M: 7.8%, Y: 47.1%, K: 20%

HSL: H: 45°, S: 46.7%, L: 58.2%

HSV: H: 45°, S: 47.1%, V: 80%

Blue / Azul

RGB: R: 80, G: 131, B: 204

Hexadecimal (Hex): #5083CC

CMYK: C: 60.8%, M: 35.8%, Y: 0%, K: 20%

HSL: H: 212°, S: 60.5%, L: 55.5%

HSV: H: 212°, S: 60.8%, V: 80%

Black / Negro

RGB: R: 77, G: 77, B: 77

Hexadecimal (Hex): #4D4D4D

CMYK: C: 0%, M: 0%, Y: 0%, K: 70.2%

HSL: H: 0°, S: 0%, L: 30.2%

HSV: H: 0°, S: 0%, V: 30.2%

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Bluey Velociwaptor Toy
Royalty Free License 
Bluey Velociwaptor Toy
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Cinema 4D R19.02 (.c4d)760 KB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)1.35 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)516 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-07-31
  • Model ID#4674762
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 9,581
  • Vertices 0
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing