Animated and textured, this carnotaurus model would be a nice addition to any game! Available in fbx and blender formats.
-4 different LODs:
-LOD0 (4,831 vert, 9,182 tri)
-LOD1 (3,888 vert, 7,300 tri)
-LOD2 (2557 vet, 4,803 tri)
-LOD3 (1,063 vert, 1,893 tr)
*Textures: *-5 skins
-Ambient Occlusion
59 Animations:
⦁ Abrupt Stop
⦁ AirIdle
⦁ Bite
⦁ Bite2
⦁ DeathAnimation
⦁ Drink
⦁ Eating
⦁ HurtBack
⦁ HurtFront
⦁ HurtLeft
⦁ HurtRight
⦁ Idle
⦁ IdleAction1 LookAround
⦁ IdleAction2 Sniffing
⦁ IdleAction3 Threaten
⦁ Jump
⦁ Landing
⦁ Roar1
⦁ Roar2
⦁ Roar3
⦁ Run
⦁ RunBack
⦁ RunBackLeft
⦁ RunBackRight
⦁ RunLeft
⦁ RunRight
⦁ SitEnd
⦁ SitIdle
⦁ SitStart
⦁ SneakEnd
⦁ SneakIdle
⦁ SneakStart
⦁ SneakWalk
⦁ SneakWalkBack
⦁ SneakWalkBackLeft
⦁ SneakWalkBackRight
⦁ SneakWalkRight
⦁ SneakWalkLeft
⦁ Swim
⦁ SwimBack
⦁ SwimBackLeft
⦁ SwimBackRight
⦁ SwimLeft
⦁ SwimRight
⦁ SwimSprint
⦁ SwimSprintBack
⦁ SwimSprintLeft
⦁ SwimSprintRight
⦁ Trot
⦁ TrotBack
⦁ TrotBackLeft
⦁ TrotBackRight
⦁ TrotLeft
⦁ TrotRight
⦁ Walk
⦁ WalkBack
⦁ WalkLeft
⦁ WalkRight