A very beautifully model of a styled mechanical phoenix.
Originally created with 3ds Max 2014 using FinalRender. This version now has native Cinema 4d file with light, materials and textures setted. Also has 3dsmax for Default Scanline and iRay.
|| USAGE ||
This model is suitable for use in broadcast, high-res film close-up, advertising, games and so on.
|| SPECS ||Very good topology for using with meshsmooth. Low poly model has about 9k polygons.
This model contains about 22.404 polygons with TurboSmooth ON
No rigging or animation yet.
High Resolution Texture Maps including ambient occlusion map, roughness, bump, a HDR for reflections and texture with ground shadows baked.
Ground: 1024x1024pxAmbient Occlusion: 4096x496pxRoughness and Bump: 4096x2048px