Well I talked in the previous product that I am superiour and did not talk about any details , and this to leave some thing to write at this discreption here and the discreption of the other product , and what happened is yesterday I was trying to find a way to fully control the substance in Iclone 6.5 , but what ever I tried I could not find it , also Iclone 7 was availble for download , but my PC is not strong enough to run it , or this is what I thaught , so I rechecked the requirements of it and found it may run then I downloaded it and ran it on my PC , becuase there are some good stuffs which will raise my level of work , but when I ran it I found that it work slow and I recognized that it would harm my PC , so I uninstalled it and kept working for the older version 6.5 , and spared it until I am able to purchase a higher abilities PC to run it .
And about substance I found that it can be created some other way and no need to control it , beside some of the abilites of the higher version can be done with the older version with little more works with other softwares , and for displacement , it seems that it clearly appeared in this bird toy becuase you can see the high details of it .
It may be just a toy , but also I do not mind if you added some bones to it to use it in motion , also oin Autodesk softwares , you may not find the materials appears but there are maps for every thing .