This asset contains a simplified and animated flock of Low Poly pigeons. Intended for efficient use in film or visualization as a perfect background detail to bring your scene to life and add a sense of scale. It contains Diffuse, Glossiness, Roughness, Alpha and Translucency. All 1024*1024px textures .
Animation:In 1200 frames the flock circles the space in an irregular path, each bird with subtle variations, loopable. 25 Bones per bird.
Assets:There are 7 birds containing 220 faces (374 tris) each. PathControl (parent). Also contains a flight path preview mesh.BirdsComponent (child). Stationary until contrained to parent.
Subdivision smoothing: Maya use Catmull-Clark UV smoothing method. Blender, do not smooth UVs
Tested and working in Blender, Maya, 3DS max, Unity, Unreal Engine, Cinema 4D.
Game Engines:Two files are provided. BirdsLoopedForGames.fbx 370 frames, PathCtrlLoopedForGames.fbx 1200 frames. The birds ctrl should be made a child of the paths ctrl in your software. Unity 2020 Package included (update coming soon). Unreal 5, use unique bone-names fbx.GLTF coming soon...