64 VDM Feather Brush for ZBrush:
Feather Brushes all contained within one Multi-mesh brush and Low poly meshes. For use with Zbrush (2018) and up.
-One IMM Multi VDM Brush-13 Images showing the Brushes-6 images from Angry birds where i used the VDM Textures
How to use :
-All Brushes have the correct settings embedded but just in case you need it :-Please find reference pictures attached to the files When using the brush make sure to drag and drop on the surface you are working on.-Feedback, questions, and updates :
Rating and Reviews:
Please don't forget to add a Rating, a Review, and a tip, so that I will be able to message you back in case you need something...
License Info:Commercial use of the Brushes/Alphas are permitted but the alphas or brushes themselves can not be sold or shared and must be embedded components in media such as video games, movies...etc.
License Types:
Single User License - For one person only.
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Enjoy and Happy ZBrushing!
3D Character artist