1979 Grumman Cheetah

1979 Grumman Cheetah 3D model


This is a replica of my personal 1979 AA5A Grumman Cheetah. A wonderful flying General Aviation Aircraft in the eyes of pilots the Grumman Cheetah/Tiger/Sabertooth are outstanding performing aircraft with great ease of entry and exit with a large sliding canopy. As a 4 person aircraft there only issue is the aft CG issue with accidentally overloading the rear of the plane. Now including a 3D Printable STL file.

I have modeled the aircraft to match my personal Cheetah's paint scheme which can be altered to any desired scheme. A large amount of time and work has been made on this model to insure accuracy and a nice looking end product. This model is native to Cinema 4D and is given a subdivision factor of 2 for all other programs. If you would like a lower poly or higher poly model after purchasing please contact me and I can arrange it. In the C4D model you will see the use of the Symmetry, Cloner, and Spline tools to aid in the build of the model and it's preset for a subdivision render of 0. The model is built almost entirely of quads but may have a handful of tris. Just enable subdivision rendering and a sharp attractive model will be ready for stills or your favorite animation.

The cockpit has sharp and adjustable switches and knobs if the desire is to place this into an animation. Over 200 hours worth of work has gone into the build and design of this model.

Movable detailed parts include: Canopy slider, yoke, throttle, carb heat, condition lever, on/off switches, radio knobs, transponder knobs, flaps, aileron (with bottom wing counter weights), elevator and trim tab, rudder, nose wheel castor assembly, right and left cowl panels, oil access on cowl panel, auxiliary power access panel, propeller, and rear fuse cargo door. A mixture of textures and materials were used for best visual.

NOTE: This is a C4D Native model and is preset for a subdivision render factor of 2 for all other programs, lower or higher polygons can be offered upon purchase of this model. There is not an engine in the cowl, however the cowl has been designed to open as the actual aircraft.

Total poly count for all programs excluding C4D (subdivision factor 2) - Poly 967279, Vertex 985772

baguln732024-04-04 18:23:31 UTC
baguln732024-03-30 16:51:02 UTC
crayon972023-03-25 11:17:51 UTC
graphicalizer8122022-03-15 08:13:47 UTC
great job!
navnik722018-11-15 00:09:22 UTC
very nice
Item rating
5 0
blueprints2023-05-16 15:15:16 UTC
Excellent 3D model, as advertised.
s-tevenpearceuk2019-09-12 12:03:36 UTC
Great model, very well made.
houstonfirefox2018-06-29 22:34:00 UTC
frisinka2017-07-20 16:24:47 UTC
SoaringStars-lab2016-05-15 20:28:28 UTC
1979 Grumman Cheetah
Editorial No Ai License 
1979 Grumman Cheetah
Editorial No Ai License 
Available in these collections
Response 91% in 0.6h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • 3D Studio (.3ds) (2 files)92.9 MB
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max) (2 files)133 MBVersion: 2014Renderer: Default (Scanline) Version: 2018Renderer: Default (Scanline)
  • Collada (.dae) (2 files)99.8 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (2 files)123 MB
  • Cinema 4D R15 (.c4d)15.9 MBVersion: R15Renderer: Advanced Renderer
  • Vue Vue 2014 (.vue)177 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)28.9 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (4 files)178 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Subdivision ready
  • Polygons 138,319
  • Vertices 141,386
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs
  • Plugins used
  • Publish date2015-12-21
  • Model ID#224610