-obj,3ds,fbx,c4d,lwo,xsi exported in four parts:1.main 2.interior 3.landing gear down 4. landing gear up
.max format:Rar archive contains two scenes
In each scene model is provided with turbo smooth modifier on stack on objects that need it.
Landing gear in position up and down in different layers, you can easily switch it.
.obj format:Textures may have to be added manualy.Rar archive contains two versions of model with simple materials:
.lwo c4d .xsi format:Textures may have to be added manualy.Rar archive contains model exported without collapsing after mesh smooth. Low or med poly mesh which you can see in preview images, good if you need to edit model.Simple materials.
.fbx and .3ds format:Textures may have to be added manualy.Rar archive contains model exported after appllying mesh smooth. Just import, apply materials and render.Simple materials.
Polycount:without meshsmooth max,obj,lwo, c4d: 200 000 polygonscollapsed fbx,3ds,obj: 1 600 000 faces/850 000 poly