-Cartoon Airplane.
-This product contains 20 objects.
-Subdivision Level 0: Included 5 objects, verts: 492, poly: 482.
-Subdivision Level 1: Included 5 objects, verts: 1,818, poly: 1,808.
-Subdivision Level 2: Included 5 objects, verts: 7,242, poly: 7,232.
-Subdivision Level 3: Included 5 objects, verts: 28,938, poly: 28,928.
-Total vert: 38,490, total poly 38,450.
-Materials, objects have the correct names.
-Polygonal quads only.
-This product was created in Blender 2.8.
-Formats: blend, fbx, obj, c4d, dae, fbx, abc, unity.
-We hope you enjoy this model.
-Thank you.