Sci-Fi Stealth Dropship and Light Gunship Hybrid

Sci-Fi Stealth Dropship and Light Gunship Hybrid 3D model


Demonstration Video here: contains a zip folder with all of the images above, a texture folder pack most of which are by "milosandric" and a .Blend File (Blender 2.79 but will work with almost any version) which contains a lot of separate models, most of the interiors are "parented" to the ship mesh and it also comes with two sets of afterburners for a nice space render if needed. I can provide a one mesh download if you want free of charge but this way it's more easily customisable for animators. The .Blend file on it's own is only about 24.8 MB and the windows have a tinted or see through materials mesh either can be applied easily.

It's completely rigged and textured, the wheels will go up and down the turret will swivel side to side and up and down, and of course the back door lowers and closes. I didn't make this with game development in mind so it might have too many vertices for that function, I worked really hard on making it perfect visually and functionally so it's fine for animation or story rendering. It's cheap because it's one of the first models I made and first one I'm selling so it'd be cool just to get it out there. If you want an un-textured version let me know and I'll give it to you slightly cheaper.

None 3D information:

I designed the Spectral drop-ship using several various sources for inspiration, from the many different types of Quinn-Jet concepts for the Avengers and many other sci-fi dropships, to real life Stealth B52 Bombers and Stealth Blackhawks.

I made this to be a stealth incursion vehicle for my own project, it's supposed to cloak (though it doesn't come with a cloaking texture that's easy enough to make if you want), get in, drop troopers in and then get out again fast, it's secondary role was to be able to provide hit and run air support at a moments notice so it acts also as a light gunship, with a light anti-personnel swivel cannon on the front and two sets of light cannons, one on the nose and one under the wings, all energy weapons. That was what was in mind when I designed it but anyone could use it for anything they imagine.

lyivan2018-01-15 08:05:15 UTC
Jesse-James2018-01-15 10:32:53 UTC
Thanks man :)
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Sci-Fi Stealth Dropship and Light Gunship Hybrid
Royalty Free License 
Sci-Fi Stealth Dropship and Light Gunship Hybrid
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Blender (.blend)43.8 MB

    3D Model details

    • Publish date2018-01-14
    • Model ID#832586
    • Animated
    • Rigged approved
    • VR / AR / Low-poly
    • PBR
    • Geometry Polygon mesh
    • Polygons 36
    • Vertices 402,172
    • Textures
    • Materials
    • UV Mapping
    • Unwrapped UVs Mixed
    • Plugins used
    • Ready for 3D Printing