Realistic model of the MQ-9 Reaper military aircraft drone.
Modeled & rendered (Mental Ray) in 3DS Max 2010 without plugins.
You can easily choose the level of detail because the model is 100% quads and ready for subdivision (TurboSmooth or MeshSmooth etc).
Simply use the included animation sliders to chose the model's pose or adjust it manually to your liking.
Textures are high resolution (8000x8000) and include a map for color, specular level, bump, glossiness, reflectivity, and transparency.
Textures are in .jpg format, and the original Photoshop file is also included for instant download. Inside the Photoshop file you can turn the decals & stickers on/off, as well as chose the level of dirt & grunge on the model's textures.
The model is scaled to it's real-life size.
Wingspan of 66' (20 m) and a length of 36' (11 m)
All objects, materials, and textures have unique and meaningful names.
The model is centered at origin and ready to go.
Remember to check out all the preview pictures for more information.
Weapons include 2 styles of Hellfire missiles, and Paveway bombs.
3d Studio Max 2010 Scene Totals:
Objects: 45
Shapes: 0
Cameras: 0
Lights: 5
Helpers: 57
Space Warps: 3
Total: 110
Mesh Totals:
Verts: 367836
Faces: 691994
Quads: 100%
1 - Color - 8000x8000 - jpeg
2 - Color WIthout Decals - 8000x8000 - jpeg
3 - Specular - 8000x8000 - jpeg
4 - Glossiness - 8000x8000 - jpeg
5 - Bump - 8000x8000 - jpeg
6 - Transparency - 8000x8000 - jpeg
7 - Reflection - 8000x8000 - jpeg
(Original Photoshop file also included for easy editing)
3DS Max 2010 format notes:
The original model file.
Slider controls are included for easy animation.
Render setup is included, ready to go.
All objects are named and organized in clearly labeled layers.
Materials are already applied.
Quads are intact, and ready for subdivision.
All objects are fully named.
This file was exported from 3ds max 2010.
3DS Max 4.0 format notes:
A simple rig is included for the landing gears, and a master helper to move the whole model.
Materials are already applied.
Quads are intact, and ready for subdivision.
All objects are fully named.
This file was exported from 3ds max 2010.
3ds format notes:
All objects have correct pivot origins.
Quads are intact, and ready for subdivision.
All objects have shortened names (as required by the .3ds format).
OBJ format notes:
All object's pivots are at world center (0,0,0).
Quads are intact, and ready for subdivision.
All objects are fully named.
Maya 6.0 format notes:
Materials are already applied.
All object's pivots are at world center (0,0,0).
Quads are intact, and ready for subdivision.
All objects are fully named.
This file was exported from 3ds max 2010.
Cinema4D 9.0 format notes:
Materials are already applied.
All object's pivots are at world center (0,0,0).
Quads are intact, and ready for subdivision.
All objects are fully named.
This file was exported from 3ds max 2010.
Lightwave 9.3 format notes:
Materials are already applied.
Quads are intact, and ready for subdivision.
This file was exported from 3ds max 2010.
Rhino 4.0 format notes:
Materials are already applied.
All object's pivots are at world center (0,0,0).
Quads are intact, and ready for subdivision.
All objects are fully named.
This file was exported from 3ds max 2010.
Blender 2.73 format notes:
Materials are already applied.
All object's pivots are at world center (0,0,0).
Quads are intact, and ready for subdivision.
All objects are fully named.
This file was exported from 3ds max 2010.
Photoshop textures notes:
All layers are named and grouped.
Remember to checkout all the preview images, and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Thank you for viewing.
Braden Lehman