Mitsubishi Ki-46 II Dinah Twin-Engine Reconnaissance Aircraft Lowpoly 3D model
Note: This Model Does Not Have Cockpit or Interiors
Rar file contain Blendfile, Texture folder , FBX , Obj mtl
Centered (in right place) and Seperated parts
Blender 3.4.1
Textured with substance painter
2 Set of material and Texture (main-transparent)
2k Texture
3 camo (green-white-brown)
Pictures rendered in Cycles engine
Tris: 21,906
Description:The Mitsubishi Ki-46 was a twin-engine reconnaissance aircraft used by the Imperial Japanese Army in World War II. Its Army Shiki designation was Type 100 Command Reconnaissance Aircraft the Allied brevity code name was Dinah.On 12 December 1937, the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force issued a specification to Mitsubishi for a long-range strategic reconnaissance aircraft to replace the Mitsubishi Ki-15. The specification demanded an endurance of six hours and sufficient speed to evade interception by any fighter in existence or development, but otherwise did not constrain the design by a team led by Tomio Kubo (a 1931 graduate from the Aeronautical Section of the Faculty of Engineering at Tokyo Imperial University) whose aesthetics are very significantly infused to the aircraft.This aircraft was first used by the Japanese Army in Manchukuo and China, where seven units were equipped with it, and also at times by the Japanese Imperial Navy in certain reconnaissance missions over the northern coasts of Australia and New Guinea.