MIG-27 3d model was built very near to scale and it has a very detailed exterior, engine exhaust and after burner section as well as cockpit. It is fully textured including flight instruments and engine exhaust components. In has many animateable features including variable sweep or geometry wings, flaps, flaperons, stabilizers, rudder, wheels, landing gear and landing gear doors, missiles and rockets, opening canopy, throttle and stick, toggle switches and others. It has high quality maps and materials and is available in a wide range of formats. It also comes with a weapons collection and pylons for your addition to the aircraft.
The Mikoyan MiG-27 was derived from the successful MIG-23 Flogger and made into a variable-geometry air-to-ground-attack aircraft.It is originally built by the Mikoyan design bureau in the Soviet Union and later license-produced in India by Hindustan Aeronautics as the Bahadur.
The MiG-27s are capable of automatic night or bad weather blind bombing with a very high degree of accuracy. The MiG-27 was efficiently operated in the final combat missions in Afghanistan.
Unlike the MiG-23, the MiG-27 did not see widespread use outside Russia.It currently only remains in service with the Indian, Kazakhstan and Sri Lankan Air Forces. Most of Russian and Ukrainian MiG-27s have been retired.