Heinkel He-177 A-5 - German heavy bomber with remote controlled Ruhrstahl/Kramer glide bomb known as a Fritz X. - 6./KG 100 based in Toulouse-Blagnac - France 1944
Originally modelled in cinema4D. Detailed enough for close-up renders. The zip-file contains bodypaint textures and standard materials.
No special plugin needed to open scene.
Phong shading interpolation / Smoothing - 35°
In lwo,3ds,fbx, c4d and obj are parts for an seperate fly and a ground version.
NOTE - In lwo,3ds, fbx and obj the 1 Alphamap (Run_Alpha) must manually load in the Alphacanal or Transparencycanal.
c4d Version R16
Polygones - 160766 Vertices - 110742 - 29 Objects - 19 textures - 1 material- 1 alphamap
obj File - lwo file - 3ds file - fbx file Version 2010
When designed in 1936-37 the He-177 was the most advanced heavy bomber in the world. It was host to numerous innovations such as coupled engines (4 engines driving 2 propellers), surface evaporative engine cooling (no drag inducing external radiators), remote controlled turrets, fully pressurized crew compartments and a unique 4 leg landing gear arrangement. The original aircraft was faster than most fighters of the day, quite maneuverable and could fly above most fighters maximum altitudes.The original DB 604 coupled engines had a tendency to catch fire in flight at the slightest provocation and many aircraft were lost to engine fires. By the time the A-5 came out in 1942 most of the issues had been resolved by changing to the DB 610 engines, adding radiators and designing larger engine cowls but by then it was too late for Germany. Some were used as maritime patrol aircraft in France, others against Russia and in the “little Blitz” (Operation Steinbock) against England but it was “too little, too late”. By 1944 all available fuel was needed for fighters to defend the Reich and most He-177 sat on airfields to be destroyed by strafing allied aircraft. None survive today. The He-177 was also the only heavy bomber built by Germany in quantity in World War II.