German WW 2 turbojet fighter with 4 Ruhrstahl X-4 AA-missles.
Originally modelled in cinema4D 9.5. Detailed enough for close-up renders. The zip-file contains bodypaint textures and standard materials.
- Includes separate closed landing gear doors and closed canopy
- All materials, bodypaint-textures and textures are included.
- No cleaning up necessary, just drop your models into the scene and start rendering.
- No special plugin needed to open scene.
- Phong shading interpolation / Smoothing - 35°
-The 3ds, obj, lwo files contains a seperate Fly and Ground-Version
- c4d
- Polygones - 49056 Vertices - 176692 - 70 Objects - 25 Materials
- 3ds Fly - / Ground-Version
- Polygones - 275292 / 309908 Vertices - 213395 / 240895 - 5 / 5 Objects - 25 Materials
- lwo Fly- / Ground - Version
- Polygones - 209834 / 224186 Vertices - 153622 / 171406 - 2 / 2 Object - 25 Materials
- obj Fly- / Ground-Version
- Polygones - 209834 / 224186 Vertices - 153622 / 171406 - 2 / 2 Object - 25 Materials
In late 1942, Focke-Wulf engineer Hans Multhopp headed up a design team that started aerodynamic studies for a new turbojet fighter. This culminated in 1945 as a fighter project known as "Huckebein" (a cartoon raven that traditionally makes trouble for others), also known as Project V (Project VI in some references) or Design II at Focke-Wulf and later to be given the designation Ta 183.
The Ta 183 had a short, squat fuselage with the air intake passing under the cockpit and proceeding to the rear where the single He S 011 turbojet was located, although the first three prototypes were to be powered by Jumo 004B jet engines.