Douglas TDB-1 Devastator - Torpedo bomber of the United States Navy.
Originally modelled in cinema4D. Detailed enough for close-up renders. The zip-file contains bodypaint textures and standard materials.
No special plugin needed to open scene.
Phong shading interpolation / Smoothing - 35°
In lwo,3ds,fbx, c4d and obj are parts for an seperate fly and a ground version.
NOTE - In lwo,3ds and obj the 1 Alphamap (Pro_Run_A) must manually load in the Alphacanal or Transparencycanal.
c4d Version R16
Polygones - 380639 Vertices - 284458 - 35 Objects - 18 textures - 1 material- 1 alphamap
obj File - lwo file - 3ds file - fbx file Version 2010
The Douglas TDB-1 Devastator was a torpedo bomber of the United States Navy, ordered in 1934, first flying in 1935 and entering service in 1937. At that point, it was the most advanced aircraft flying for the USN and possibly for any navy in the world. However, the fast pace of aircraft development caught up with it, and by the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor the TBD was already outdated. It performed well in some early battles, but in the Battle of Midway the Devastators launched against the Japanese fleet were almost totally wiped out. The type was immediately withdrawn from front line service, replaced by the Grumman TBF Avenger.