Fairchild C-123 ProviderIn the package: full exterior and interior, parking equipment, full crew (pilot, co-pilot, supercargo). Main file - 3ds Max 2013, fbx+fbm, obj. Materials and textures, rendering Corona 1.5 (PBR is disabled), PaintKit for repainting the exterior in PSD format. All objects in max-files is divided by layers.Animation: range 0 - 50 frames. Animated: landing gears and landing gears covers, cover of right engine, doors, cargo doors and ramp (see attached renders - it shows key animation).History: Fairchild C-123 Provider is an American military transport aircraft. Legend of the Vietnam War. Originally designed by the Russian emigrant M. Strukov as a big glider, but because of its unique aerodynamics first piston engines were added to it, and then outboard small jet engines, due to which it had very low acceleration on takeoff. It especially distinguished itself in the Battle of Khe Sanh (1968). Because of this aerodynamics he also became a Hollywood legend - perhaps the most impressive crash landings were filmed in Air America (Gibson and Robert Downey Jr.) and Con Air (Nicolas Cage).PS - many thanks to USAF Major Ramon Dias, a Vietnam War veteran, for providing great photos of the exterior and interior of this plane.