Beechcraft T-34 Mentor V07 USAF This model was originally built in Max 7 in 2006. It is near to scale (within 3-4% of scale) and fully textured. It has been updated using Max 11 in 2017 with high quality smoother mesh, more detail, better cockpits, better textures and higher quality diffuse mapping. 95 percent of all the mesh has been replaced or heavily modified. It comes with all the materials and textures shown in renderings here. It is available in several formats for a wide variety of end users. This model comes with many different liveries. It is built to be used in in-flight or airport ground animations and video or simulation. It can also be used to populate an airport scene. The model has animated propeller. It also has animateable ailerons, flaps, rudder, and elevators. The cockpit is semi detailed including control yokes grips engine controls rudder pedals seating and instrument panel. This model also has animated control surfaces including ailerons, elevators, rudder and flaps. These are animated through their nominal range of motion. In addition the propeller is animated at idle speed.
The Beechcraft T-34 Mentor was designed to meet a requirement for an advanced trainer to replace the aging trainers from the WWII era. The Mentor was a development of the Beechcraft Bonanza having the four place cabin removed and the tandom two seat fight like cockpit replacement. It is agile and fast, a good performance trainer that gave students instruction and experience at more complex aircraft. The T-34s were in production from the 1950s until the mid 1960s. They were phased out of the USAF, Navy and USMC inventories in the 1970s. Many were sold to other countries and some were transferred to the Civil Air Patrol.