B-25 Mitchell
North American B-25 Mitchell American twin-engine, medium bomber modeled with mostly quad (less than 10% tri) clean geometry. UV unwrapped. Non-overlapping with the exception of some gun barrels. Most of the guns use the same UV. All parts are directly or indirectly parented to the fuselage and are grouped with similar names to the textures they use. Turret gun uses its own texture. Glass materials are separated and use shader setting for transparency. This model is not rigged but set up for easy rigging using local axis (e.g. wing flaps and doors). It is sub-division ready and all material previews were rendered with a level 2 sub-division. All wireframe renders were rendered with no sub-division unless labeled otherwise. Preview images were rendered with Blender 2.79 Cycles Renderer.Native file format is Blender 2.79 (.blend)Exported files as:.obj.fbx.dae.3ds
Groups and Textures:Everything is in the group named B-25_MitchellEach sub-group has 4 textures:ColorMetalicNormalRoughness
Sub-groups are: (with texture resolutions)BombsGroup (2048 x 2048)FuselageGroup (4096 x 4096)GunsGroup (includes Turret Gun with its own textures) (2048 x 2048)PartsGroup (4096 x 4096)WingGroup (4096 x 4096)