Antonov An-26. In the package: full exterior and interior, parking equipment, full crew (pilot, co-pilot, bortradist, navigator). Main file - 3ds Max 2013, fbx+fbm, obj. Materials and textures, rendering Corona 1.5 (PBR is disabled), PaintKit for repainting the exterior in PSD format. All objects in max-files is divided by layers. Animation: range 0 - 100 frames. Animated: landing gears and landing gears covers, landing light, cover of left engine, doors (ext/int), cargo doors and ramp (see attached renders - it shows key animation). Textures are 2K, UVW wrap, in Russian AF NAVI (Black Sea Fleet) livery. Materials only Corona!PS. One of the most common medium military transports in eastern Europe, both in the former Soviet Union and from north to south from Poland to Serbia.