The fictional SR-72 Darkstar Scramjet from Top Gun: Maverick.
Highly detailed exterior, both intake and exhaust engines, and working landing gear (no cockpit). All preview images rendered with Octane Render. Plus a few screenshots of the models in the viewports of Cinema 4D, Substance Painter, and Element 3D.
[Technical Information]
[Files Included]
_SPP - Substance Painter project file. You can edit the PBR textures for all file formats bellow, and re-export render engine specific versions (Vray, Unreal Engine, Unity, Redshift, Corona, Arnold, and more). Screnshot attached.
_TEX - 4K textures exported from Substance Painter and used for all the files bellow. Unpack in the root folder. All files point to these textures by default. Screenshot attached.
_TEX_8K - 8K textures exported from Substance Painter and used for all the files bellow. You dont need to download the 8K textures if you dont need as much detail.
_C4D_Octane - Cinema 4D project file with Octane shaders, using the PBR Textures. This is where all the renders come from.
_ORBX - Octane Standalone Package with embeded 4K textures. Can be unpacked as an OCS, or imported into any host program running Octane (or Standalone), using the orbx importer.
_C4D - Cinema 4D project file with Physical/Standard shaders using the PBR textures. Screnshot attached.
_FBX - Autodesk FBX exported from C4D. You may need to re-tweak the shaders abit, depending on the program you open it in, but all PBR textures should maintain link.
_OBJ - OBJ/MTL exported from Cinema 4D. Three versions: subdiv Lv. 0 / 1 / 2. All PBR textures still applicable.
_E3D - Ready to use in Video Copilot's Element 3D, plus an After Effects project file with the model already loaded. Using the OBJ and PBR textures. You may need to re-link the model/textures upon opening it for the first time, so just point to the root folder, where you extracted the OBJ/Texture pack. Screnshot attached.
_VDB - Two 10 second (300 frames each) animated VDB sequences of the scramjet engine exhaust (Simulated in Embergen).
_MAX - 3ds Max project file with default shaders, using the PBR textures. May need adjustments.
Extra formats with embeded textures at 2K resolution (Metal/Rough PBR): .dae (Collada), .usdz (AR), .gltf/.glb (Khronos Group), .uasset (Unreal Engine).
All files are zipped.
If you have any questions or requests, please dont hesitate to get in touch. Also please consider leaving a like or a comment discussing the model, to let me know if there is anything i can improve.