The model of a Pan Am flying boat is rigged for easy use. The motion of all moving parts is controlled by XPresso sliders found in the HUD or under the User Data tab of "Yankee Clipper" null object.
Heading, Pitch and Banking of the model are independent of movements of Ailerons, Elevator, or other control surfaces.
The four engines have individual powercontrols so they can be started in a sequence or have their speed individually adjusted to control the motion blur of the moving propellers. To aid the illusion of of the fast moving propeller, the texture of the propeller is set up to gain transparency as the speed of propellers rotation increases. This is done in XPresso, each propeller has its own texture 1.Prop-tex, 2.Prop-tex, 3.Prop-tex, 4.Prop.tex, they are identical, but for their transparency settings, which is tied to the speed of propellers rotation. It is now set to be opaque at rotation speed of up to 3% and the maximum transparency (98.0%) is reached at 8% of propellers rotation. This set up can be easily altered by changing values of the Range Mappers connected to nodes 1.Prop-tex, 2.Prop-tex, 3.Prop-tex, 4.Prop.tex, or switched off by disconnecting the XPresso connections between the 1.Prop-tex, 2.Prop-tex, 3.Prop-tex, 4.Prop.tex and their Range Mappers.
The model is equipped with smoke trail set-up. Four emitters are positioned and the tail end of the four engines and will create a smoke trails. Trails are controlled by either the speed of the wind against the airplane or by the movement of the airplane across distance - or both.
UV maps have been created for the model. The models windows doors or other openings are not modeled in geometry but painted and recorded into the transparency channel of model's texture. Texture maps are 11000x9200.
The models simplified interior is built as an insert on its own layer for on easy on and off switching.
Thank you for choosing an AxisPointStudio model for your project, best wishes for a lot of success in your endeavor.