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B-17F Memphis Belle
This model has the Flight deck and Bombardiers position camera ready.
The B-17 Flying FortressMEMPHIS BELLE(Serial No. 41-24485) was one of 12,750 B-17s built. The BELLE was the most famous because she was the
first heavy bomber in Hitler"s European war theatre to complete 25 combat missions and keep her entire crew alive. She flew for 10 months from
November 7, 1942 to May 17,
faces 95429
vets 62239
M_Belle_01 - https://youtu.be/UajpsCnz5-I
M Belle TT - https://youtu.be/WDVYSfHfbNE
M Belle 02 - https://youtu.be/EBtlRMQGpH4