Regenerative Vortex Thruster - Efficiency Booster Nozzle

Regenerative Vortex Thruster - Efficiency Booster Nozzle 3D model


Vortex Shaped High Efficiency Regenerative Thruster Nozzle Concept.

is there a reason why [fighter] jets, (or other turbines like for ships, airplanes etc.) do not have a twisted [metal] vortex shape fixated in/on/below/behind them, thereby creating a vortex airflow output, or vortex afterburner? i mean, if a jet engine blasted onto these curved or twisted [heat resistive - actively cooled] surfaces, it would travel a longer path, experience more resistance, and increase its total thrust and pressure gained, from the same actual output?

a vortex also allows for snowball effects increasing efficiency even further, i think Nikola Tesla thought us this with his water turbine output results, or Victor Schauberger with his trout drawings etc. i mean, even if this vortex shape was 3D printed and inserted under a drones rotor blades, [much less heat] fixed in behind regular airplane engines, the would simply start to output a more powerful vortex behind them?

maybe even have them fixed, and or better yet rotatable by the brute force of the airflow moving through the cylinder nozzle itself, allowing for different behaviors and or modes of flight once again. something like a 3D printed airscrew, rotating the airflows output, creating a vortex to push off of mid air. [bring the surface we push off of with us with the craft].if we then allowed the screw to rotate inside the cylinder, we could gain a lot of electrical power back from the airflow through the regenerating screws 360 degree axial motion. like a inner rotating vortex nozzle, we could 3D print and test. i think we might gain more thrust through [the utilized] resistance from the same amount of output with such a extra electrically regenerating nozzle device, perhaps, maybe.

i need a damn staff, im telling you.

i bet this could even make a simple rocket design super sonic. if you added one beneath a amateur rocket of course. maybe a rocket could use the generated energy for focusing even more thrust. or other electrical uses on board the craft/rocket, what say you Elon?

maybe shoot the entire shape up from underground as well, like a underground straight up vacuum tube, straight up, combined with a magnetic repelling system, allowing to save fuel during initial lift off. the vortex nozzle will also then add extra thrust, saving even more fuel. the regenerative vortex nozzle could be used to power onboard electronics, needed for guidance. if we used two we need them to counter spin in order to balance the total of both thrusters output. like i would place inside the winged disc drone design. the two flows might even intertwine and find each other behind the craft, turning and twisting together at one point.

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Regenerative Vortex Thruster - Efficiency Booster Nozzle
Editorial No Ai License 
Regenerative Vortex Thruster - Efficiency Booster Nozzle
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)10.8 MB
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max)35.4 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)18.6 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-06-08
  • Model ID#3089801
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry -
  • Polygons 0
  • Vertices 0
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing