Hughes OH-6 Cayuse V07 This model was originally built in Max 13 near to scale within a few percent of general dimensions. It includes a lot of exterior detail and basic cabin and cockpit modeling. The model is fully textured. It has animateable main and tail rotors. It is available in several formats for a wide variety of end users. The model is built to be used in in-flight or airport ground animations and video or simulation. It can also be used to populate an airport scene.
The Hughes OH-6 Cayuse is a five place, single-engine, turbine-powered, four-bladed helicopter designed for light armed recon observation. A civil version of this helicopter is the Hughes 500d. The first prototype flew on 1963.
The OH-6 has been used in a wide variety of roles and versions some being modified and carrying heavy armament as the AH-6 Cayuse. The OH-6 was also selected to use in Special Forces Operations and has been involved in many covert military operations. Two were highly modified to be silent and used by the CIA for wiretapping in Laos. The OH-6 has been flown by Spain, Japan, United States, Dominican Republic, Denmark, Nicaragua, Republic of China Army.