Helicopter Aérospatiale SA 330 Puma
Modeled in Blender 3.1.2Textured in substance painterRender in cycle
Objects : 5 Lowpolyin General / PBR Metal roughness textures sets
Texture to use another differnt texture set ,just the texture set you wnat form textures set folder , then replace them in texture folder in tblnder file , it will auto load
1)Chase :- has 9 differnt textures set sized 4k (see the renders) verts : 8144 Edges : 14997 Faces : 6964 Tris : 13385
2)Probeller_Front :- has 1 texture set sized in 4k and 2k verts : 3445 Edges : 7008 Faces : 3648 Tris : 6696
3)Probeller_Rear :- has 1 texture set sized in 4k and 2k verts : 1586 Edges : 3149 Faces : 1642 Tris : 2984
4)Landing_Gear :- has 1 texture set sized in 4k and 2k verts : 4596 Edges : 8817 Faces : 4311 Tris : 8088
5)interior :- has 1 texture set sized in 4k and 2k verts : 1382 Edges : 2689 Faces : 1280 Tris : 2374
the model made in seperate parts like above to make it easier for rigging , all parts has clean gemotry and clean uv mapps and id maps in case you need to rework textures in substance painter
Textures maps in PBR Metal rougness made with substance painter , the maps are(Base,metallic,Roughness,Normal and Height)