The Eurocopter EC-665 Tiger is a four-blade, twin-engine attack helicopter
Static and Basic Animation versions are not included and available as seperate models (see my profile)
Photoshop file is available. You can easily create your own livery
Included weapon and equipment. Each available as separete model (see my profile):
File formats: 3ds Max 2021, FBX, Unity 2021.3.5f1
Game ready - perfectly fits for Unity and UnrealLow polyReal world scaleUnits used: meters
238.098 polys444.406 tris252.484 verts
Asset model has 50 animations (see animation list in Previews section of this page)
All parts are fully UV unwraped. No multi-materials or color fills.
All parts and materials have logical names and ready for coding. (no names such as Object001 or Default - 01)
Some identical parts have the same UV coordinates (overlapped). It saves textel resolution and does not influence on Ambient occlusion map (no black spots)
PBR textures are available for Specular-Glossiness and Metalness-Roughness workflows
Base color
Ambient Occlusion
Originally created with 3ds Max 2021. No 3rd party plugins required.
Software used:
helicopter pilots aircraft defense force eurocopter airbus tiger tigre ec 665 ec665 ec-665 had hap uht spain spanish cockpit pilot attack air army military self-defense chopper copter war strike fighter rotary