This model provides the fully functional and suitable industrial chassis required for drones.DRONE COMPONENT LIST:4 motors (DYS 2250-2750 KV) 25 g/motorsFlight controller 5 g(2) 4S 3.66 Ah LiPo batteries 105 g eachESC*4 15 gController RX Module/reciever 10 gFPV Camera/Servo 30 gVideo TX Module 8 gESTIMATED MASS:Drone Chassis mass>Equipment Weight ( Camera + FC+ FPV camera+ Video>AAD ( average amp draw )The maximum discharge of the battery>Power to lift 1>Now by using the>Thrust ratio at 100 % throttle:As the total mass of the drone is 489 gFrom the DYS 2250-2750 KV data chart …. At 100% throttle for 4S battery at operated voltage of 14.8,Thrust for a 5*4*.5 STD propeller length by motor is 965.47 gTherefore for all four propeller thrust>Therefore the>