This product comes with 1 helicopter base mesh and 3 different textures. The first texture is an unpainted civilian finish. Second one is a blank painted white civilian model. The last one is technically a military helicopter nicknamed the white elephant. The White Elephant was used in the United States as a highway emergency helicopter for crashes. Also saw some action in vietnam as a Med Evac Heli. WIREFRAME TEXTURES ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS HELICOPTER. If you are looking for vietnam war textures, there is a texture pack available with amourments.
This model includes:2 models, the OBJ and FBX (2018)3 Texture variations. Unpainted, Painted and White Elephant. NO MILITARY MARKINGS
The model itself has 5 different texture sets.UV-Glass, UV-Hull, UV-Hull-bits, UV-Interior and UV-Pilot
Textures are given as followedBaseColour, Normal, and one texture image that includes, AO as Red channel. Roughness as Green channel and metalness as Blue channel
This is done for UE4 as default engine. if need be I can send you everything as separate masks.