Realistic animated 3d model of Helicopter AS-350 (H-125) Hillsborough Sheriff
File formats: 3ds Max 2015, OBJ, FBX, 3DS
Photoshop file is included. You can easily change livery/camoPilots and helipad are includedSound track is included
Game ready - perfectly fits for Unity and UnrealLow polyReal world scaleUnits used: meters
ANIMATION (see full animation on Sketch fab)===========
The model has dimensions L x W x H - 11 x 2.6 x 3.3 m (433 x 102.4 x 129.9 inches)
Total tris count:200.609 tris
162.683 tris
25.300 tris
11.816 tris
All parts placed in one layer
All parts are fully UV unwraped. No multi-materials or color fills.
All parts and materials have logical names and ready for coding. (no names such as Object001 or Default - 01)
Some identical parts have the same UV coordinates (overlapped). It saves textel resolution and does not influence on Ambient occlusion map (no black spots)
PBR textures are available for Specular-Glossiness and Metalness-Roughness workflows
Base color
Ambient Occlusion
MAX resolution - Diffuse, BaseColor, NormalMIN resolution - Specular, Glossiness, Metallness, Roughness, Ambient Occlusion, Emission
Material 1 (Fuselage) MAX 4096x4096, MIN 2048x2048
Material 2 (Interior) MAX 4096x4096, MIN 2048x2048
Material 3 (Helipad) MAX 2048x2048, MIN 1024x1024
Material 4 (Pilots) MAX 1024x1024, MIN 512x512
Material 5 (SearchLight Trakkabeam) MAX 1024x1024, MIN 512x512
Material 6 (Glass and Blurred blades) MAX 1024x1024, MIN 1024x1024
Material 7 (Helipad net) MAX 1024x256, MIN 1024x256
Material 8 (Lights On) 256x256
Material 9 (Camera FLIR) MAX 1024x1024, MIN 512x512
Originally created with 3ds Max 2015. No 3rd party plugins required.
Software used:
Tags:helicopter eurocopter ecureuil as350 as-350 h125 h-125 a-star astar hillsborough county sheriff n160cc police department usa air support division animated animation pbr chopper aircraft emergency aviation