H3L1ON Aerodynamic Helicopter
by Ufuk Orbey (shadedancer619) / Made in: Cinema 4D R19
This rigged and animated model is special one especialy for the Cinema 4D R19 or above users (It has some risks for old versions of Cinema even only the standart tools were used).
No plugins were used but the Xpresso. Xpresso is a standart tool in Cinema 4D but somehow it's crashed especialy for the old versions. I'm strongly recommending the animated format of this model to the R19 or above users.
But other formats are not animated and can be used by anyone and any software. The price of this model is mostly for animations. So think twice before buying it for other formats!
The helicopter mesh is some dummy but you can replace it with your model on current adjustments.
helixpresso.C4D is the main animation file. It has some rigid body tags, connectors, motors and well adjusted project settings. It's better you not to touch these adjutments except the user data sliders.
User data sliders are enough to fly this bird. Other control values were made by me with a great care. DO NOT TOUCH THEM! If you are a professional you can touch this :))
For more visual information please watch the YouTube Video (the link can be found in previews).
h3l1on.c4d is a Cinema 4D file without xpresso and rigid bodies. Materials are available. No animations!
h3l1on.obj is a wavefront file with baked textures. No animations!
h3l1on.fbx is a autodesk file with baked textures. No animations!
h3l1on.dae is a collada file with baked textures. No animations!
For the source file there are some image textures in the TEX folder. PBRs included!
You can find the baked textures in the UVTEX folder for other file formats. These are 1K to 2K files depends on piece size. No PBRs for these maps!
7 objects (for baked formats)
3,691 polygons
3,740 points
Follow my tutorials in youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtYvZ8BDNXcx8rfOF-mDxZw
Need some photoshop brushes or images? I'm here: https://shadedancer619.deviantart.com/
See you...