The Fokker F27 Friendship is a turboprop airliner designed and built by the Dutch aircraft manufacturer Fokker. Design of the Fokker F27 started in the 1950s as a replacement to the successful DC-3 airliner. The manufacturer evaluated a number of different configurations before finally deciding on a high wing twin Rolls-Royce Dart engined layout with a pressurised cabin for 28 passengers.
In 1956 Fokker signed a licensing deal with the US aircraft manufacturer Fairchild for the latter to construct the aircraft in the USA. The first U.S.-built aircraft flew on 12 April 1958. Fairchild also independently developed a stretched version, called the FH-227.
At the end of the Fokker F27s production, 793 units had been built (including 207 in the USA by Fairchild), which makes it the most successful turboprop airliner of all time. Many aircraft have been modified from passenger service to cargo or express-package freighter roles.
Product Features (Studio Max):
The product contains four resolutions of the model, the high resolution version being rigged for animation.
The model is highly detailed and textured.
This model is a 3DMax model, saved in version 8 as a MAX file, and requires 3DMax. It does not include any other formats to allow it to be opened in any other software. The model is rigged where appropriate, and mapped and textured.
Product Features (Wavefront OBJ):
- Model built entirely with 3-sided polygons.
- Approx 130,000 polygons.
- Includes basic cockpit interior, which can be seen though the canopy.
- Includes "group" information, which your software should interpret as separate parts.
- This version includes an mtl file, which your software program should read to colorize the model.
- The model is UV mapped and textures are included.