This high poly model is build very near to scale and is within a couple of percent of the actual dimensions. It has a detailed exterior including radio antennas and pitot tubes. Landing gear have been finished with a moderate amount of detail too.The model is fully textured. In addition this model comes with animateable ailerons, flaps, elevators, rudder, landing gear, landing gear doors and propellers. The model is available in several different formats.
MD-90 was a longer fuselage variant of the MD-80s class jet commercial airliners. It was designed to have the highest capacity of up to 172 passengers. Its first flight was in 1993 and was introduced with Delta airlines in 1995. It was the longest of the series with an over-all length of 152 feet 7 inches. It came in two variants including the MD-90-30 and the MD-90-30ER (extended range). 116 were built and they have been flown by many airlines, charter and cargo airlines around the world.