Russian turbopropeller airliner, this specific plane crashed in 1966 in Slovakia, near Bratislava. Model is for Cinema 4d, textures are mapped with flat projections, working properly only in Cinema 4d, for other 3d programs new UV maps must be created. Main parts are triangulated, there is some symetry and some subdivisions, but most of the geometry is mesh. Model have animated retracting gear, flaps, and turning of landing reflectors, and retracting of them. Lighting of samples is made by Physical sky, one ambient omni light with area shadows and Global illumination effect. Propellers are in two versions, blured for flight animation in higher RPM and solid version, for stopped engines or for lower RPM. Typical for engines starting or taxiing. Textures are in tiff format with layers and groups, easily editable in photoshop, but there are included also jpg versions.