The DTU contain the Data Transfer Cartridge, which is installed prior to the flight. It contains all the necessary navigation data for the planned mission. The DTU is recorded by the AFMSS (Air Force Mission Support Station). When the DTC is placed inside the DTU, the pilot can upload the data over a special page on MFD to the internal avionics subsystem of the aircraft. The DTU is located on the right console.
The model was created in Blender 2.81 for the Cycles engine, the textures and materials are PBR based.
I tried to keep all the materials packed within the .blend but if for some reason it is not here, you can find them on the Texture folder in the .zip file that accompanies this panel or if you still require it, don't hesitate in contacting me.
NOTE: Due to the lack of more detailed information regarding this panel (presumably because it is of sensitive nature) it hasn't been modelled to be animated or even rigged.