The Backup Attitude Direction Indicator (BADI) as it's name indicates is a backup ADI if for some reason the main one fails, it is quite basic in functionality but with enough function to guide the pilot's attitude awareness. The BADI is located on the right front panel between the Fuel Flow Gauge, the Right Multi Function Display (MFD) and the Data Entry Information (DEI).
The model was created in Blender 2.79 for the Cycles engine, the textures and materials are PBR based. The model has been rigged with simple Empties for easy animation.
The BADI, also is self illuminated so there's the possibility to control the On/Off state of the lighting via a simple node change.
I tried to keep all the materials packed within the .blend but if for some reason it is not here, you can find them on the Texture folder in the .zip file that accompanies this panel or if you still require it, don't hesitate in contacting me.