Superyacht scenes: day and night with a bit of environment, ready to render with Corona 6
format:3ds max 2017
Mostly editable poly objects with modifiers
Scenes have the following layers : 100myacht, cameras, dock, drones, enviroNo UV unwrapping and no baked maps, some objects have UV mapping for the textures.
No interiors are modeled, it's just made for exterior shots.Day and night scenes have slightly different materials.
The renders are directly from the scenes with a bit of postwork, mostly curves and color corrections.
Files included:2x hdr maps (8k) (from hdrihaven, CC0 license).max day scene.max night scenea few textures (jpg, at least 2k size)
As a bonus, there is a drone model included (->without textures).If any problems occur, contact me and I will do my best to help!