Modular Light Cages for TV Studio Stage and Stands.
Square Truss Standard: 24 objects
Straight Segments
Cross and T-Junctions
Corner Junctions
Model Info;
Formats; MAX, C4D, OBJ, FBX, 3DS, DXF, STL, AEP
Software;*.max - 2010 or higher*.max - 2014 or higherCinema 4D - R17 or higherAfter Effects: CC - (Element 3D: v2.2)
V-Ray *.max - 3.4 or higher - with textures and shaders
VRAYforC4D - object prepared for Cinema 4D R17 (with textures and shaders)
Cinema 4D R17 - Standard renderer (with textures and shaders)
Other Collection ID’s are;;
Usage License:You may NOT sell or give away any files found in this zip package without express permission.