|| Ready to render - Native settings Vray - Max 2018 || Scene saved as Max 2015-2016-2017 with Vray settings. The first couple of presentation images are Raw Render (Not Composited), Only the last 6 Frames are composited using the passes prepared in the render elements. (as shown in the presentation images)Scene objects are organized by layers and groups (as shown in the presentation images)The terrain was created with real-world elevation data in e-on Vue and exported to max, with multiple levels of resolution, more details at the center. No Plugins needed.
|| PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ||This is a model of a Fantasy Middle Eastern Arabian nights Ali Baba City in the desert. Originally created with 3ds Max and rendered with V-Ray. Scene setup, lights, render settings, materials and render elements setup are all included. Vray settings adjusted for Atmosphere/Z-depth/Ambient occlusion passes.Must use a physical camera to render properly. (5 animated establish Cameras are included)
|| SPECS ||Extremely high detailed Desert environment made in e-on Vue and exported to max. No Plugins needed. This city is best made for long and medium shots. This model contains Standard materials and V-Ray materials No plug-ins needed except Vray renderer.
|| TEXTURES ||All Textures are included.