This is a fairly accurate model of a Swan Class ship HMS Pegasus. I was hired by David Antscherl and Greg Herbert, the authors of The Fully Framed Model series of books, a practicum on how to make a real scale replica of the ship, to do a detailed photo log of the building process described in the books. Hence so many details on the ship, both interior and exterior.
The ship is not game ready, although UE5 manages it quite nicely. I would call it mid-poly, despite the ship having close to 20 million polygons; sheer amount of details contributes to poly count. Granted, a lot of geometry goes into bevel modifiers around the ship, which can be turned off though. Everything that could be mirrored uses mirror modifier and there are just a few objects that use subdivision modifier.
Unfortunately, stern carvings are far from perfect but I did what I could with my minimum knowledge of Zbrush and sculpting.
Every object is unwrapped. Most of materials are using tileable textures (every wood material uses the same textures, for example), just a few objects use custom textures. Various parts of the ship are organized into collections which can be hidden for rendering (like interior parts for exterior shots) to save memory.
Doors, hatches and rudder are parented to empties and can be rotated. Cannons and swivel guns are instanced, originals are hidden in their respective collections, so don't delete those. :D
EDIT: Added V2.0 version with sails. Unfortunately, CG Trader wasn't able to upload updated Textures.zip file, probably due to filesize, so I've added separate Textures_Sails.zip file. just unzip iz into the same folder with other textures