Shower system with switch Grohe New TempestaLength, mm: 390Height, mm: 736Size of the upper shower, mm: 200Size of the watering can, mm: 100Hose length, mm: 1500Shape: RoundMaterial: Chrome, plastic
Shower mixer Grohe Eurosmart NewCase Material: Brass
Handheld Shower Grohe Tempesta ClassicSize of the watering can, mm: 100
Grohe Rotaflex shower hoseColor: ChromeMaterial: Plastic
All elements without water jet:Polys: 100956Verts: 100059
Water:Polys: 219054Verts: 278224
-max 2014 corona-max 2014 vray-fbx corona-fbx vray-obj
The model for smoothing. Set the iteration level in the anti-aliasing modifier. The stack is open.File export for anti-aliasing. Apply the anti-aliasing modifier.