Diving Helmet

Diving Helmet 3D model


Diving HelmetA diving helmet is a rigid head enclosure with a breathing gas supply used in underwater diving. They are worn mainly by professional divers engaged in surface-supplied diving, though some models can be used with scuba equipment. The upper part of the helmet, known colloquially as the hat or bonnet, may be secured to the diver or diving suit by a lower part, known as a neck dam, breastplate, or corselet, depending on the construction and regional language preferences.

The helmet seals the whole of the diver's head from the water, allows the diver to see clearly underwater, provides the diver with breathing gas, protects the diver's head when doing heavy or dangerous work, and usually provides voice communications with the surface (and possibly other divers). If a helmeted diver becomes unconscious but is still breathing, the helmet will remain in place and continue to deliver breathing gas until the diver can be rescued. In contrast, the scuba regulator typically used by recreational divers must be held in the mouth by bite grips, and it can fall out of an unconscious diver's mouth and result in drowning.[2]

Before the invention of the demand regulator, all diving helmets used a free-flow design. Gas was delivered at an approximately constant rate, independent of the diver's breathing, and flowed out through an exhaust valve against a slight over-pressure. Most modern helmets incorporate a demand valve so the helmet only delivers breathing gas when the diver inhales. Free-flow helmets use much larger quantities of gas than demand helmets, which can cause logistical difficulties and is very expensive when special breathing gases (such as heliox) are used. They also produce a constant noise inside the helmet, which can cause communication difficulties. Free-flow helmets are still preferred for some applications of hazardous materials diving, because their positive-pressure nature can prevent the ingress of hazardous material in case the integrity of the suit or helmet is compromised. They also remain relatively common in shallow-water air diving, where gas consumption is of little concern, and in nuclear diving because they must be disposed of after some period of use due to irradiation; free-flow helmets are significantly less expensive[citation needed] to purchase and maintain than demand types.

Most modern helmet designs are sealed to the diver's skin at the neck using a neoprene or latex neck dam which is independent of the suit, allowing the diver a choice of suits depending on the dive conditions. When divers must work in contaminated environments such as sewage or dangerous chemicals, the helmet (usually of the free-flow type or using a series exhaust valve system) is directly sealed to a special dry suit (commonly made of a fabric with a smooth vulcanised rubber outer surface) to completely isolate and protect the diver. This equipment is the modern equivalent of the historic Standard diving dress.

soirereeve2023-08-27 06:36:56 UTC
Wow! Looks fantastic, well done.
Item rating
1 0
lilimy2023-01-06 18:31:04 UTC
hello, i download the file. i'm a jewelry craftwomen and i want to use this helmet as a pendant. Yesterday, i went to 3d print company and told them to scale the item to 4cm height. they told me that when they scale to 4cm, the small parts cant be print because off the thickness like both sides of the windows. They told me that the drawer of this file can arrange the thickness of the smaller parts. Smaller parts must be bigger then 0,5 or 0,6mm(50/60micron) for to print. is it possibler for u to scale the object to 4cm and control the thickness of the small parts when u scale it? i want to print the object and this problem stuck on my mind. can u please help me urgently? can u please make the scale 4cm, and control the thicknesses of the small parts ? thank u in advance
Diving Helmet
Royalty Free License 
Diving Helmet
Royalty Free License 
Response 70% in 4.9h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max)9.33 MBVersion: undefinedRenderer: V-Ray
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)2.7 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)7.33 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)9.57 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-05-25
  • Model ID#3777873
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry -
  • Polygons 0
  • Vertices 0
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing