3D Model | Animated | Low-poly | PBR | .3ds | .dwg | .fbx | .c4d | .lwo | .lw | .lws | .ma | .mb | .obj | .3dm | .skp | .max | .blend | .lxo | .stl | .vue | .mtl | .gmf | .unitypackage | .uasset | .prefab | .tgo | .lxl | .pdf | .abc | .ms | .mel | .sbs | .sbsprs | .sbsar | .mat | GrowFX | .fbm | .project |
Xfrog Oceania includes 250+ species from below libraries:
Each species contains up to 6 high-res variations (different ages and seasons) in 16 popular 3D formats
Xfrog Oceania - What's New?
Our plants are now better quality than ever, featuring High Resolution Geometry, Season and age variants, and textures of the utmost quality. These High Resolution PBR Textures have highly advanced shaders, individually created for and approved by the manufacturer of every renderer format (not translated, they are actually handcrafted shader networks specific to each renderer.) This means 2021 Shaders are all inspected and approved by each 3D Software manufacturer. Textures are included in an attached zip and formats included are: .3DS, 3DS MAX ARNOLD, 3DS MAX FOREST PACK, 3DS MAX FSTORM, 3DS MAX CORONA, 3DS MAX OCTANE, 3DS MAX REDSHIFT, 3DS MAX STANDARD SHADER, 3DS MAX VRAY, ALEMBIC, BLENDER, CINEMA 4D, CLARISSE, .FBX, LIGHTWAVE, MAYA REDSHIFT, MAYA STANDARD SHADER, MAYA VRAY, MODO, .OBJ, RHINO MAXWELL, TERRAGEN, SKETCHUP THEA, VUE
Some plants with * asterisk are created by the very experienced modeler Konstantin Kim and sold exclusively by Xfrog. Kim (aka 3d Mentor) works in 3ds max GrowFX, and sets up shaders for Corona, VRay, and FStorm. ALL plants, for the first time EVER, have GrowFX (gfx) files included, and WIND, and all models and wind can be procedurally edited! Polycounts range from 100k to 600k.
The complete species list as below:
- Camellia sinensis - Tea
- Capsicum annuum - Chili Pepper
- Coffea arabica - Coffee
- Cynara scolymus - Artichoke
- Fragaria x ananassa - Strawberry
- Glycine max. - Soybean
- Gossypium hirsutum - Cotton
- Hordeum vulgare - Barley
- Lactuca sativa - Lettuce
- Lavandula angustifolia - Lavender
- Lolium perenne - Ryegrass
- Nicotiana tabacum - Tobacco
- Oryza ssp. - Rice
- Solanum lycopersicum - Tomato
- Sorghum bicolor - Sorghum
- Spinacia oleracea - Spinach
- Triticum ssp. - Wheat
- Vitis vinifera - Grape Vine
- Zea mays - Corn
- Agapanthus africanus - African Lily*
- Agapanthus campanulatus - Bell Agapanthus
- Anemone coronaria - Poppy Anemone
- Anigozanthos flavidus - Kangaroo Paw*
- Anigozanthos hybrid - Anigozanthos Hybrid*
- Anigozanthos manglesii - red-and-green kangaroo paw*
- Anthurium andraeanum - Flamingo Lily
- Antirrhinum sp. - Snapdragon
- Arthropodium cirratum - Renga lily*
- Celosia sp. - Coxcomb
- Centaurea cyanus - Cornflower
- Chrysanthemum leucanthemum - Oxeye Daisy
- Crocus sp. - Crocus
- Dedranthema morifolium - Pompon Chrysanthemum
- Dedranthema x grandiflorum - Florists Chrysanthemum
- Delphinium elatum - Delphinium
- Dianella revoluta - Blueberry Lily*
- Dianthus hybridus - Carnation
- Eryngium alpinum - Sea Holly
- Euphorbia fulgens - Scarlet Plume
- Euphorbia milii var. Splendens - Crown of Thorns
- Euphorbia pulcherrima - Poinsettia
- Freesia ssp. - Freesia
- Gardenia sp. - Gardenia
- Gerbera jamesonii - Gerbera
- Gerbera sp. - Spider Gerbera
- Gladiolus communis - Gladiolus
- Guzmania lingulata - Guzmania
- Helianthus annus - Sunflower
- Heliconia stricta - Fire Bird
- Hibiscus sp. - Hibiscus
- Hippeastrum ssp. - Amaryllis
- Hyacinthus orientalis - Hyacinth
- Hydrangea sp. - Hortensia
- Iris xyphium - Dutch Iris
- Leucospermum nutans - Nodding Pincushion
- Lilium hybridum - Lily
- Lysimachia clethroides - Gooseneck Loosestrife
- Nelumbo sp. - Lotus
- Paeonia sp. - Peony
- Passiflora sp. - Passionflower
- Pelagonium grandiflorum - Geranium
- Phalaenopsis amabilis - Moth Orchid
- Phalaenopsis sp. - Orchid
- Prothea cynarioides - King Protea
- Ranunculus sp. - Buttercup
- Rhododendron indicum - Satsuki Azalea
- Saintpaulia sp. - African Violet
- Spathiphyllum sp. - Peace Lily
- Tagetes sp.- Marigold
- Tulipa sp. - Tulip
- Viola wittrockiana - Pansy
- Vriesea splendens - Flaming Sword
- Zantedeschia sp. - Calla Lily
- Zingiber officinale - Ginger
- Achillea millefolium - Common Yarrow
- Alliaria petiolata - Garlic Mustard
- Artemisia vulgaris - Mugwort
- Bellis perennis - Daisy
- Carex pensylvanica - Pennsylvania Sedge*
- Carex platyphylla - Broad Leaf Sedge*
- Centaurea cyanus - Cornflower
- Chelidonium majus - Greater Celandine
- Chrysanthemum leucanthemum - Ox-Eye Daisy
- Elytrigia repens - Couch Grass
- Galium aparine - Cleavers
- Geranium robertianum - Herb Robert
- Lomandra longifolia - Spiny Mat Rush*
- Matricaria recutita - German Chamomile
- Phormium tenax - New Zealand Flax, Harakeke*
- Plantago maior - Common Plantain
- Poa annua - Annual Blue Grass
- Ranunculus repens - Creeping Buttercup
- Rumex acetosa - Garden Sorrel
- Taraxacum officinale - Dandelion
- Urtica dioica - Stinging Nettle
- Viola spec. - Pansy
- Allium cepa - Onion
- Apium graveolens var. Dulce - Celery
- Asparagus officinalis - Asparagus
- Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis - Cauliflower
- Brassica oleracea var. Capitata - Cabbage
- Brassica oleracea var. Italica - Broccoli
- Capsicum annuu - Chili Pepper
- Citrullus lanatus - Watermelon
- Cucumis melo - Cantaloupe
- Cucumis sativus - Cucumber
- Cucurbita maxima - Squash
- Cucurbita pepo - Zucchini
- Daucus carota - Carrot
- Helianthus annuus - Sunflower
- Lactuca sativa - Lettuce
- Phaseolus vulgaris - Bean
- Pisum sativum - Peas
- Solanum lycopersicu - Cherry Tomato
- Solanum melongena - Eggplant
- Spinacia olerace - Spinach
- Aeschynanthus ssp. - Mona Lisa
- Asparagus plumosus - Asparagus Fern
- Benjamin Ficus - Ficus benjamina
- Clivia miniata - Kaffir Lily
- Codiaeum variegatum var. Pictum - Croton Petra
- Cycas revoluta - Sago Palm
- Dendrobium nobile - Dendrobium Nobile
- Dracaena marginata - Red Edge Dracaena
- Epidendrum ssp. - Ballerina Epidendrum
- Euphorbia milii - Crown Of Thorns
- Guzmania diss. Gemma - Gemma Guzmania
- Hedera helix ssp. Helix - Common Ivy
- Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Kalanchoe
- Musa x paradisiaca - Banana
- Saintpaulia ionantha - African Violet
- Trachycarpus wagnerianus - Miniature Chusan Palm
- Zamioculcas zamiifolia - Aroid Palm
- Acer platanoides - Norway Maple
- Buxus sempervirens - Common Boxwood
- Buxus sempervirens hedges - Common Boxwood Hedges
- Buxus sempervirens aureomarginata - Golden Leaved Boxwood
- Carpinus betulus hedges - European Hornbeam Hedges
- Carpinus betulus - European Hornbeam
- Chamaecyparis bushes - False Cypress Bushes
- Chamaecyparis hedges - False Cypress Hedges
- Chamaecyparis allumii hedges - Allumii False Cypress Hedges
- Euonymus - Spindles
- Hibiscus - Hibiscus
- Forsythia - Forsythia
- Ligustrum ovalifolium - Golden Privet
- Ligustrum vulgare - Common Privet
- Platanus occidentalis - American Sycamore
- Prunus laurocerasus - Cherry Laurel
- Taxus baccata - English Yew
- Thuja plicata - Western Red Cedar
- Thuja orientalis - Golden Oriental Arborvitae
- Vinca minor - Lesser Perriwinkle
- Acacia aneura - True Mulga
- Acacia dealbata - Silver Wattle
- Acacia harpophylla - Brigalow
- Acacia harpophylla - Brigalow*
- Acacia koa - Koa
- Acacia sophorae - Coastal Wattle
- Agathis moorei - White Kauri
- Anacardium occidentale - Cashew
- Angophora intermedia - Roughbarked Apple
- Araucaria heterophylla - Norfolk Island Pine
- Araucaria sp. - Araucaria*
- Artocarpus altilis - Breadfruit Tree
- Backhousia myrtifolia - Grey Myrtle*
- Banksia integrifolia ssp. Integrifolia - Coast Banksia
- Banksia serrata - Saw Banksia
- Bischofia trifoliata - Bishopwood*
- Broussonetia papyrifera - Paper Mulberry
- Buckinghamia celsissima - Ivory Curl *
- Callistemon pallidus - Lemon Bottlebrush
- Callistemon viminalis - Weeping Bottlebrush
- Carica papaya - Papaya
- Casuarina equisetifolia - Horsetail Casuarina
- Citrus sinensis - Sweet Orange Tree
- Coffea arabica - Coffee Tree
- Cordyline australis - New Zealand Cabbage Tree
- Cordyline australis - New Zealand Cabbage Tree*
- Corymbia calophylla - Marri
- Corymbia citriodora - Lemon-scented Gum*
- Corymbia maculata - Spotted Gum
- Coymbia apperinja - Ghost Gum*
- Cycas rumphii - Bread Palm
- Eucalyptus botryoides - Southern Mahogany
- Eucalyptus camaldulensis - River Redgum
- Eucalyptus diversicolor - Karri
- Eucalyptus dumosa - White Mallee
- Eucalyptus globulus - Blue-Gum Eucalyptus
- Eucalyptus marginata - Jarrah
- Eucalyptus punctata - Grey Gum*
- Eucalyptus saligna - Sydney Blue Gum*
- Ficus elastica - Rubber Tree
- Ficus nitida - Indian Laurel*
- Grevillea banksii - Red Silky Oak
- Grevillea buxifolia - Grey Spider Flower
- Grevillea robusta - Silky Oak
- Hibiscus tiliaceus - Sea Hibiscus or Mahoe*
- Howea forsteriana - Kentia Palm
- Kunzea ericoides - Kanuka
- Licuala ramsayi - Queensland Fan Palm
- Mangifera indica - Mango Tree
- Melaleuca alternifolia - Australian Tea Tree
- Melaleuca diosmifolia - Green Honey Myrtle
- Melaleuca quinquenervia - Broadleaved Paperbark
- Metrosideros polymorpha - Ohia Lehua
- Morinda citrifolia - Noni
- Musa x paradisiaca - Banana
- Pandanus tectorius - Coastal Screw Pine
- Persea americana - Avocado
- Phoenix canariensis - Canary Date Palm
- Phormium tenax - New Zealand Flax
- Podocarpus totara - Totara
- Pritchardia hillebrandii - Hillebrand Palm
- Psidium littorale - Strawberry Guava
- Sabal palmetto - Palmetto
- Saccharum officinarum - Sugar Cane
- Trachycarpus fortunei - Chinese Windmill Palm
- Vachellia tortilis - Umbrella Thorn Tree, Israeli Babool*
- Wodyetia bifurcata - Foxtail Palm
- Wodyetia bifurcata - Foxtail Palm*
- Xanthorrhoea preissii - Australian Grass Tree*
- Xanthorroea preissii - Australian Grass Tree
- Alethopteris serli - Alethopteris
- Araucaria sp. - Araucaria
- Asterophyllites equisetiformis - Asterophyllites
- Asteroxylon mackiei - Asteroxylon
- Bjuvia simplex - Bjuvia
- Calamites sp. Equisetites ssp. - Calamites
- Cordaites angulostriatus - Cordaites
- Cyathea Australis - Rough Tree Fern*
- Cycadeoidea gigantea - Cycadeoidea Gigantea
- Dryopteris filix - Male Fern*
- Macrotaeniopteris magnifolia - Macrotaeniopteris
- Matteuccia struthiopteris - Ostrich Fern*
- Sigillaria scutellata - Sigillaria
- Wollemia nobilis - Wollemi Pine
- Carpinus betulus - Hornbeam
- Cornus mas - Cornelian Cherry Dogwood
- Cornus sanguinea - Bloodtwig Dogwood
- Corylus avellana - Hazel Tree
- Crataegus monogyna - Common Hawthorn
- Eremophila glabra - Emu Bush*
- Euonymus europaea - European Spindle Tree
- Ficus carica - Fig Tree
- Frangula alnus - European Buckthorn
- Hebe albicans red edge - Hebe Red Edge*
- Hebe carnosula purple queen - Hebe purple Queen*
- Hebe marjorie - Hebe Majorie*
- Hebe pinguifolia sutherlandii - Hebe Pinguifolia*
- Ligustrum vulgare - Common Privet
- Populus tremula - European Aspen
- Prunus padus - European Bird Cherry
- Prunus spinosa - Blackthorn
- Rosa centifolia - Hundred-Leaved Rose
- Salix cinerea - Grey Willow
- Salix purpurea - Purple Willow
- Sorbus aucuparia - European Mountain Ash
- Syringa vulgaris - Common Lilac
- Syzygium smithii - Lilly Pilly*
- Viburnum opulus - European Cranberry Bush