Xfrog Africa

Xfrog Africa 3D Model Collection

The collection consists of:20 models total
3D Model

Xfrog Africa includes 200+ species from below libraries:

Each species contains up to 6 high-res variations (different ages and seasons) in 16 popular 3D formats


Xfrog Africa - What's New?

Our plants are now better quality than ever, featuring High Resolution Geometry, Season and age variants, and textures of the utmost quality. These High Resolution PBR Textures have highly advanced shaders, individually created for and approved by the manufacturer of every renderer format (not translated, they are actually handcrafted shader networks specific to each renderer.) This means 2021 Shaders are all inspected and approved by each 3D Software manufacturer. Textures are included in an attached zip and formats included are: .3DS, 3DS MAX ARNOLD, 3DS MAX FOREST PACK, 3DS MAX FSTORM, 3DS MAX CORONA, 3DS MAX OCTANE, 3DS MAX REDSHIFT, 3DS MAX STANDARD SHADER, 3DS MAX VRAY, ALEMBIC, BLENDER, CINEMA 4D, CLARISSE, .FBX, LIGHTWAVE, MAYA REDSHIFT, MAYA STANDARD SHADER, MAYA VRAY, MODO, .OBJ, RHINO MAXWELL, TERRAGEN, SKETCHUP THEA, VUE

Some plants with * asterisk are created by the very experienced modeler Konstantin Kim and sold exclusively by Xfrog. Kim (aka 3d Mentor) works in 3ds max GrowFX, and sets up shaders for Corona, VRay, and FStorm. ALL plants, for the first time EVER, have GrowFX (gfx) files included, and WIND, and all models and wind can be procedurally edited! Polycounts range from 100k to 600k.

The complete species list as below:

  1. Acacia tortilis - Umbrella Acacia
  2. Acokanthera venenata / oppositifolia - Arrow Poison
  3. Adansonia digitata - Baobob
  4. Bismarckia nobilis - Bismarck Palm*
  5. Carissa edulis - Egyptian Carissa
  6. Cedrus Atlantica - Atlas Cedar
  7. Cedrus libani - Lebanon Cedar
  8. Dalbergia tonkinensis - Sua*
  9. Dombeya kirkii - River Wild Pear
  10. Dovyalis caffra / Aberia caffra - Kei Apple
  11. Dracaena draco - Dragon Tree
  12. Encephalartos altensteinii - Bushmans River Cycad
  13. Ficus carica - Fig Tree
  14. Fraxinus ornus - Manna Ash
  15. Hyphaene thebaica - African Doum Palm
  16. Juniperus chinensis - Chinese Juniper*
  17. Juniperus oxycedrys ssp macrocarpa - Prickly Juniper
  18. Khaya ivorensis - African Mahogany
  19. Kiggelaria africana - Wild peach
  20. Laurus nobilis - Laurel
  21. Myrsine africana - African Boxwood
  22. Myrtus communis - Myrtle
  23. Neodypsis decaryi - Triangle Palm
  24. Nerium oleander - Oleander
  25. Pachypodium geayi - Large Bottle Tree
  26. Phoenix reclinata - Senegal Date Palm
  27. Pinus halepensis - Aleppo Pine
  28. Pinus pinaster - Sea Pine
  29. Pinus pinea - Italian Stone Pine
  30. Pistacia lentiscus - Lentisk
  31. Podocarpus falcatus - Yellowwood
  32. Populus pyramidalis - poplar*
  33. Quercus cerris - Turkey Oak
  34. Quercus Ilex - Holm Oak
  35. Quercus suber - Cork Oak
  36. Salix Vitellina - Golden willow*
  37. Sorbus aucuparia - European Mountain Ash
  38. Strelitzia nicolai - White (Giant) Bird Of Paradise
  39. Tamarindus indica - Tamarind
  40. Tamarix gallica - French Tamarisk
  41. Taxus baccata - English Yew
  42. Ulmus minor - Smooth-leaved Elm
  43. Ulmus minor - Smooth-leaved Elm, European Field Elm*
  44. Vachellia tortilis - Umbrella Thorn Tree, Israeli Babool*
  1. Camellia sinensis - Tea
  2. Capsicum annuum - Chili Pepper
  3. Coffea arabica - Coffee
  4. Colocasia esculenta - Elephant Ear Plant*
  5. Cynara scolymus - Artichoke
  6. Fragaria x ananassa - Strawberry
  7. Glycine max. - Soybean
  8. Gossypium hirsutum - Cotton
  9. Hordeum vulgare - Barley
  10. Lactuca sativa - Lettuce
  11. Lavandula angustifolia - Lavender
  12. Lolium perenne - Ryegrass
  13. Nicotiana tabacum - Tobacco
  14. Oryza ssp. - Rice
  15. Solanum lycopersicum - Tomato
  16. Sorghum bicolor - Sorghum
  17. Spinacia oleracea - Spinach
  18. Triticum ssp. - Wheat
  19. Vitis vinifera - Grape Vine
  20. Zea mays - Corn
  1. Aeonium arboreum - Tree aeonium*
  2. Aloe bainesii / barberae - Tree Aloe
  3. Aloe barberae - Tree Aloe*
  4. Euphorbia resinifera - Resin Spurge*
  5. Euphorbia tirucalli - Indian Tree Spurge, Sticks on Fire, Pencil Cactus*
  6. Kalanchoe luciae - Flapjacks*
  7. Kalanchoe thyrsiflora - Paddle Plant*
  8. Senecio mandraliscae - Blue Chalk Stick*
  1. Agapanthus campanulatus - Bell Agapanthus
  2. Anemone coronaria - Poppy Anemone
  3. Anthurium andraeanum - Flamingo Lily
  4. Antirrhinum sp. - Snapdragon
  5. Celosia sp. - Coxcomb
  6. Centaurea cyanus - Cornflower
  7. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum - Oxeye Daisy
  8. Crocus sp. - Crocus
  9. Dedranthema morifolium - Pompon Chrysanthemum
  10. Dedranthema x grandiflorum - Florists Chrysanthemum
  11. Delphinium - Larkspur*
  12. Delphinium elatum - Delphinium
  13. Dianthus hybridus - Carnation
  14. Eryngium alpinum - Sea Holly
  15. Euphorbia fulgens - Scarlet Plume
  16. Euphorbia milii var. Splendens - Crown of Thorns
  17. Euphorbia pulcherrima - Poinsettia
  18. Freesia ssp. - Freesia
  19. Gardenia sp. - Gardenia
  20. Geranium - Geranium*
  21. Gerbera jamesonii - Gerbera
  22. Gerbera sp. - Spider Gerbera
  23. Gladiolus communis - Gladiolus
  24. Guzmania lingulata - Guzmania
  25. Helianthus annus - Sunflower
  26. Heliconia stricta - Fire Bird
  27. Hibiscus sp. - Hibiscus
  28. Hippeastrum ssp. - Amaryllis
  29. Hyacinthus orientalis - Hyacinth
  30. Hydrangea sp. - Hortensia
  31. Iris xyphium - Dutch Iris
  32. Kniphofia uvaria - Torch Lily*
  33. Leucospermum nutans - Nodding Pincushion
  34. Lilium hybridum - Lily
  35. Lysimachia clethroides - Gooseneck Loosestrife
  36. Nelumbo sp. - Lotus
  37. Paeonia sp. - Peony
  38. Passiflora sp. - Passionflower
  39. Pelagonium grandiflorum - Geranium
  40. Phalaenopsis amabilis - Moth Orchid
  41. Phalaenopsis sp. - Orchid
  42. Prothea cynarioides - King Protea
  43. Ranunculus sp. - Buttercup
  44. Rhododendron indicum - Satsuki Azalea
  45. Saintpaulia sp. - African Violet
  46. Spathiphyllum sp. - Peace Lily
  47. Strelitzia nicolai - White (Giant) Bird Of Paradise*
  48. Tagetes sp.- Marigold
  49. Tulipa sp. - Tulip
  50. Viola wittrockiana - Pansy
  51. Vriesea splendens - Flaming Sword
  52. Zantedeschia sp. - Calla Lily
  53. Zingiber officinale - Ginger
  1. Cyperus conglomeratus - Dune Grass*
  2. Pennisetum setaceum - Crimson fountain grass*
  1. Allium cepa - Onion
  2. Apium graveolens var. Dulce - Celery
  3. Asparagus officinalis - Asparagus
  4. Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis - Cauliflower
  5. Brassica oleracea var. Capitata - Cabbage
  6. Brassica oleracea var. Italica - Broccoli
  7. Capsicum annuu - Chili Pepper
  8. Citrullus lanatus - Watermelon
  9. Cucumis melo - Cantaloupe
  10. Cucumis sativus - Cucumber
  11. Cucurbita maxima - Squash
  12. Cucurbita pepo - Zucchini
  13. Daucus carota - Carrot
  14. Helianthus annuus - Sunflower
  15. Lactuca sativa - Lettuce
  16. Phaseolus vulgaris - Bean
  17. Pisum sativum - Peas
  18. Solanum lycopersicu - Cherry Tomato
  19. Solanum melongena - Eggplant
  20. Spinacia olerace - Spinach
  1. Aeschynanthus ssp. - Mona Lisa
  2. Asparagus plumosus - Asparagus Fern
  3. Benjamin Ficus - Ficus benjamina
  4. Clivia miniata - Kaffir Lily
  5. Codiaeum variegatum var. Pictum - Croton Petra
  6. Cycas revoluta - Sago Palm
  7. Dendrobium nobile - Dendrobium Nobile
  8. Dracaena marginata - Red Edge Dracaena
  9. Epidendrum ssp. - Ballerina Epidendrum
  10. Euphorbia milii - Crown Of Thorns
  11. Guzmania diss. Gemma - Gemma Guzmania
  12. Hedera helix ssp. Helix - Common Ivy
  13. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Kalanchoe
  14. Musa x paradisiaca - Banana
  15. Saintpaulia ionantha - African Violet
  16. Trachycarpus wagnerianus - Miniature Chusan Palm
  17. Zamioculcas zamiifolia - Aroid Palm
  1. Alethopteris serli - Alethopteris
  2. Araucaria sp. - Araucaria
  3. Asterophyllites equisetiformis - Asterophyllites
  4. Asteroxylon mackiei - Asteroxylon
  5. Bjuvia simplex - Bjuvia
  6. Calamites sp. Equisetites ssp. - Calamites
  7. Cordaites angulostriatus - Cordaites
  8. Cycadeoidea gigantea - Cycadeoidea Gigantea
  9. Macrotaeniopteris magnifolia - Macrotaeniopteris
  10. Sigillaria scutellata - Sigillaria
  11. Wollemia nobilis - Wollemi Pine
  1. Acabaria biserialis - Red Sea Fan
  2. Acanthaster planci - Crown Of Thorns Starfish
  3. Acropora hemprichi - Low Acropora
  4. Annella mollis - Giant Sea Fan
  5. Astroba nuda - Naked Basket Star
  6. Caulerpa racemosa - Grape Caulerpa
  7. Cerianthus sp. - Tube Anemone
  8. Dendronephthya sp. - Carnation Coral
  9. Diadema setosum - Long-Spined Sea Urchin
  10. Echinometra mathaei - Mathaeus Sea Urchin
  11. Favia favus - Groved Mosaic Coral
  12. Fungia scruposa - Curved Mushroom Coral
  13. Goniastrea edwardsi - Honeycomb Coral
  14. Halimeda sp. - Halimeda
  15. Heteractis magnifica - Magnificent Anemone
  16. Seriatopora hystrix - Birds Nest Coral
  17. Siphonochalina siphonella - Colony Siphon Sponge
  18. Turbinaria reniformis - Yellow Scroll Coral
  19. Xenia umbellata - Pulsing Xenia
  1. Carpinus betulus - Hornbeam
  2. Cornus mas - Cornelian Cherry Dogwood
  3. Cornus sanguinea - Bloodtwig Dogwood
  4. Corylus avellana - Hazel Tree
  5. Crataegus monogyna - Common Hawthorn
  6. Euonymus europaea - European Spindle Tree
  7. Ficus carica - Fig Tree
  8. Frangula alnus - European Buckthorn
  9. Ligustrum vulgare - Common Privet
  10. Populus tremula - European Aspen
  11. Prunus padus - European Bird Cherry
  12. Prunus spinosa - Blackthorn
  13. Retama raetam - Retama Raetam*
  14. Rosa centifolia - Hundred-Leaved Rose
  15. Salix cinerea - Grey Willow
  16. Salix purpurea - Purple Willow
  17. Sorbus aucuparia - European Mountain Ash
  18. Syringa vulgaris - Common Lilac
  19. Viburnum opulus - European Cranberry Bush
aboubakerboukahel2024-01-14 21:04:14 UTC
nice model
saharhesami2023-07-27 09:48:12 UTC
baguln732023-06-11 18:06:01 UTC
8sianDude2022-12-18 01:51:01 UTC
FuzzyTuesday2022-05-26 22:54:21 UTC
Good collection
Item rating
0 0
Xfrog Africa
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Xfrog Africa
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Response 61% in 48.0h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
3D Scanning

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ(.obj) 202/205
  • OBJ(.mtl) 202/205
  • PDF(.pdf) 125/205
  • Autodesk 3ds Max(.max) 205/205
  • Modo(.lxo) 125/205
  • Modo(.lxl) 125/205
  • Vue(.vue) 85/205
  • 3D Studio(.3ds) 125/205
  • Autodesk Maya(.ma) 187/205
  • Autodesk Maya(.mb) 187/205
  • Lightwave(.lwo) 125/205
  • Lightwave(.lw) 125/205
  • Lightwave(.lws) 125/205
  • Cinema 4D(.c4d) 125/205
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 198/205
  • Terragen(.tgo) 117/205
  • Leaderwerks(.gmf) 1/205
  • Stereolithography(.stl) 2/205
  • Sketchup(.skp) 35/205
  • Blender(.blend) 77/205
  • Unity 3D(.unitypackage) 62/205
  • Unity 3D(.prefab) 62/205
  • Clarisse IFX(.project) 61/205
  • Alembic(.abc) 62/205
  • UnrealEngine(.uasset) 62/205
  • Maya Mel Script(.mel) 66/205
  • GrowFX(GrowFX) 18/205
  • Substance Designer(.sbs) 3/205
  • Substance Designer(.sbsprs) 3/205
  • Substance Designer(.sbsar) 3/205
  • mat(.mat) 34/205
  • 3ds Max macroScript(.ms) 34/205
  • AutoCAD(.dwg) 1/205
  • Rhinoceros 3D(.3dm) 1/205

3D Collection details

  • Publish date2022-03-28
  • Collection ID#3667477
  • Animated 16/205
  • Rigged 0/205
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 0/205
  • PBR 78/205
  • Ready for 3D Printing