INCLUDED IN PACK 13-Obj 13-fbx 13-zbrush 13-blender 13-gltf Originally created with ZBrush 2022.6 and Blender3.4. Render in Substens High quality polygonal model, correctly scaled for an accurate representation of the original object. Model resolutions are optimized for polygon efficiency. All colors can be easily modified. Model with all materials applied. Blender model are grouped for easy selection, and objects are logically named for ease of scene management. No part-name confusion when importing several models into a scene. No cleaning up necessaryjust drop your models into the scene and start rendering. No special plugin needed to open scene. Model does not include any backgrounds or scenes used in preview images. Units: cm
------TEXTURES---------- 5 x Textures -PNG (Albedo, NORMAL, RAFN,METAL,Height) Work Boots - 4096 x 4096 Gas DetectorWorker Harness with ropeWork Boots Safety Jacket Orange Mens Overall Pants Gasmask Worker Helmet Sefety Work GlovesWorkman Overall Safety Respiratory MaskWorkman Mining Safety Jacket Gumboots-Worker Boots Safety Goggles