This model can be printed on 3d Printer (FDM, SLA, DLP, MSLA..) or carved in any types of CNC machines.
Can be used in jewerly to create Pendants, Medals, Medallions, Brooches, Rings...Can be used in Masonry/Carpentry in large or small size since it has a sufficient resolution for it.You can also use it in any digital creation.
This collection includes Five models (3 Statues and 2 Relief) in stl, obj and svg formats, They have been designed for CNC machines, Milling Machines, Lathes, 3D Printers or any machine that uses similar technologies. Although they can be used in any sector of digital design.
If you need another format for the files or more pics, ask me without problem. Also any comment, tip or advice are welcome
You Can: Use this file to reproduce all the physical copies you want, modify the file in whole or in part to adjust it to your needs, Use parts of it to create other new models. -
You Can't: Share or sell this model with other people or entities. Resell this model on other platforms like this